Sunday, May 28, 2017

Week 4: Using Video to Convey Information

Use in the Classroom:
I will use the PowToon to introduce an assignment. Students have been studying Core Democratic values. They will use one to support their opinion in an argument. I will also use it to introduce PowToons and show students how they can create videos.

Students will be able to use core democratic values to support their opinion about a public issue.

Students will be able to provide data when presenting an argument.


I think that this lesson relates to the principles of design because it is coherent. It sticks to the goal that I want students to accomplish. I tried to keep only the essential information in my video. I also used segmenting when explaining the directions. I wanted to break apart the assignment so that students would not feel overwhelmed. I also made sure to use the voice principle. I think that hearing my voice is more meaningful than having students read print. It also makes the message clearer.

I think this assignment promotes creativity in the classroom because I am giving students another medium to use for their creativity. I tried to keep the “product” vague. Students are allowed to present their understanding and knowledge in any way that they would like. They just need to include the information to show me they can meet their objective and goals.

I have always tried to find ways to allow students to be creativity in explaining their thinking, but I have never considered “how to grade it.” I really liked your idea of incorporating creativity in an assignment as 5%. I think many times I find my students doing the “bare minimum” so they can get by. If they were graded on creativity, I think that could really broaden their higher-level thinking skills and allow them to shine!

I really feel that using video makes it easier to follow the principles of design. When we read the article the first week, I often was thinking about PowerPoint when trying to relate to the principles. I felt that I would have been able to incorporate almost all 12 ideas this week.

I did enjoy creating video this week but, I found it very stressful. I had a hard time adjusting to the application. Next time, I might try and use a different app. I think that in the future, I would create my own argument as an example instead of just using PowToons for directions.

Video Evaluation

Lesson by Jennifer Klos, animation by Globizco.
            Standard YouTube License

I currently teach fourth grade science. The unit my students are studying is Organisms and Their Environment. I would use this video to introduce invasive species. Part of our curriculum requires students to research an invasive species that is native to Michigan. Students have the option of how they would like to present their research!

            I thought this video would be very effective with instruction. It is appropriate for the current area of study and would work well as an attention getter! I think it enhances my lesson with the graphics used. It does meet the school and community standards for acceptable use. I believe that the video is easy for students to follow. Students already have background knowledge of food webs. They also are familiar with Zebra Mussels from third grade social studies curriculum. I think that the content is presented in a way that is interesting and will hold the attention of my students. The narrator does a great job posing interesting questions and providing exciting facts. My students would be very engaged! I’ve tested the format both on my work computer and on student Chromebooks, it is supported in my classroom. Since TEDEd hosts the video on their channel, I do find it to be a credible source. Overall, I think it meets all of the 10 factors!

I already taught this unit for this school year however, I would love to use this video next year when introducing the content. Since this week we also discussed creativity, I thought it would be appropriate to show how one group of students went above and beyond with presenting their Invasive Species. I have parent permission to share photos of students. The group below presented their species through a news broadcasting. They even created their own "television set." I thought it was pretty cute! 

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Week 3: Digital Images

Week 3: Digital Images

Lesson Idea: Students are studying Core Democratic Values and their rights and responsibilities as citizens. Students will use the infographic I used about Core Democratic Values. Students will collect data to make a decision about a public issue. After talking about the design principles, students will create their own infographic to present their stance on the public issue and use data and a core democratic value to support their stance.

Students will design an infographic to present their stance on a public issue.

Application: The lesson ties in with the readings from week 1 because students will be using the design principles and applying them to their Core Demographic Value infographic. I felt that many of the principles tied in with digital images this week. I use a lot of similarity within my infographic. I also tried to use the coherence principle and just focus on the basics of each core democratic value.

Reflection: This week really made me think about all of the images I use in my classroom. It would be very difficult if students were not able to see. I think that since there is so much technology and media available, we sometimes take it for granted.

I really enjoyed this week because I kept thinking about all of the different ways gifs, memes, and infographics can be used in my classroom! Some of the articles presented ideas that I have use before, and that was a great feeling.

I grew because I was able to broaden my thinking about images and media. I think when the more I create, the more I will try the different design principles for visuals.

We have been talking about The War of 1812, the causes, major events, major people, and the result. I would have students respond to this picture taken from the battlefield at River Raisin.
This picture was taken from Ken Lund's Flikr.

These pictures were taken by me. In an effort to build a classroom community, we work on different service projects each month. April is Autism Awareness month so, my student researched facts about Autism. I would use the GIF to present facts to a new group of students and have them create their own GIFS after doing their own research.

Finally,  I know one of the articles this week discussed using "Selfies" in the classroom. In order to build confidence before state testing, we used this freebie from Upper Elementary Adventures. Below is my bulletin board, my students loved this activity!

Students wrote about how they knew they were going to "rock the test!"

Week 7: Evaluation and Assessment

Week 7: Evaluation and Assessment Use in the Classroom: I would have students engage in a project based learning activity t...